
In Which I Talk About Franklin Sinclair, Maturity, Respect and Coffee.

So, it's been a while since I've actually done a post. Haven't really had an idea, except that I need to do the next #justiceinbooks review, Jane Eyre, but I didn't have much enthusiasm for it... So there will be a review of it, but not till I can decide what I actually thought of it. Anyhow. I decided to do another rant.It's not really a rant. Still. Read on!

My first bit is on a man named Franklin Sinclair. I never knew much about him, but Borsok and Betsy talked about him a bit; I wasn't sure whether good or bad, though, it was always stupid stuff like shirts to wear in court and stuff like that. Bit weird. So, about a week or so ago, he sent a tweet saying he didn't give a BEEP-insert-expletive-here about justice, or anyone else, it was all abou survival. I was away at the point, and came back to see much outrage. I joined in, I admit, as he had also said "what's the point? The gov. isn't listening!" (These aren't quite direct quotes, just the bits I needed. However, I have not used only bits that show half the story.) I asked him why he felt this; maybe the government aren't listening, but if we stop fighting, it's not like they will stop! I personally think you should never say anything like this on social media, why would you? It can cause outrage (cough cough) or lose you a job, for instance that girl that got that job with the police then suffered as many saw her Tweets. Of course, Mr. Sinclair is the head of his firm, Tuckers, so this won't happen, but still. For most of the next week, he had to reply to many many many people. He never replied to me... I guess a 12year old, no matter how mature, was below him and he didn't think I needed a reply. I don't care particularly, apart from the fact that he replied to most others...

Which brings me nicely onto my next point. In the last few weeks, a lot of people have  either commented on my maturity or brushed me off, seeming to think that I'm just too young and won't understand. I'm mature. Extremely. That's not me boasting. I have been told that many times, and I know it! How else would I understand all this. But what annoys me is when I debate with someone and are then told to be quiet as I obviously don't understand. Perhaps it's because they are losing the debate. But still! Honestly, most of the time I forget that I'm 12, very almost 13. I blog for this campaign, I read adult books, I talk about mature subjects with adults. I know some people have read my blog or consultation response and asked if I'm really 12. No one around here does that, but still. Point stands. 

Next is a slightly nicer bit that I wanted to do, mentioning some of the people I respect most in the campaign. I have really high respect for Rachael and Gemma the most, probably. Then everyone like Colin, Helga, "wonderperson", Borsok and Betsy, Guy Gozem, ilegal, KGS, DefenceGirl, The Criminal Bar, those at Crimeline and of course, the guy behind @NoToPCT, who showed me the campaign in the first place. I have MASSIVE respect for all of these guys, because... Well, they've done so much and supported me to!

Lastly... Yeah. Coffee. Basically, I was in town today, and there were loads of men in suits around, and I was like I wonder where all of these guys work, which then got me wondering whether there was a court close to where we were. Probably not. BUT then I saw this guy that obviously worked in the Costa there, because he had "BARISTA" written on the back of his apron. It got me thinking about the difference between a barisTA and a barRisTER. Turned out to be a lot. Qualifications, what they do, how useful they are, awesomeness, ability to wear a wig and gown, stuff like that. 

And on that rather strange note...



  1. Charli, how is it that in a few short paragraphs you manage to provoke thought, discussion and humour? I imagine in a few years you will be a terrifying opponent in the debating hall at uni. Well done again.
    P.S Loved the Barista v Barrister bit.

    1. Thank you Colin! I'm not sure. I just sit down and write, and it comes out.

      I hope so. I can join school debating team this year, Year 7 aren't allowed to, it's Year 8 upwards which I will be this year.

      Thanks again! :)


  2. Hello Charli

    Enjoying your blog, keep it up. I was the one Franklin Sinclair blurted out to on Twitter, I think I annoy him sometimes. All I can say is that it is a lesson in how not to act and hope he didn't upset you.


    1. Hi!

      Thank you. It didn't upset me as much as shock. I think it would have come out at some point anyway; it's obvious he really didn't care. To be honest, people like that exasperate me more than anything else. I mean, why do they even bother? He had to backtrack and reply to so many people after that.

      In actual fact, I think it's a good thing. We can't have people like that on the campaign, and now I've done some research, I'm really not keen, haha!

      Thanks for the comment!

  3. Great blog as usual Charli. I really wish I had had your opportunities when I was young. But then mice don't go to school.......

    I know my mum @helga loves your blogs too. I bet it won't be very long before you are quite a famous lawyer. Who knows - one day you might be a judge wearing a weird wiggie and gown!

    Goofy Wondermouse :)

    1. Haha ;) I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the comment :)

  4. Respect to you Charli, never let them grind you down ;)

  5. Dear Charlie,
    I was not much older than you when I first saw the documentary "14 days in May" which moved me, made me angry and showed me that although you may not always "win", the fight is worth having and individual people can change a life. Clive Stafford-Smith changed mine and I know many others with his passion and commitment.

    There are many different views in this campaign and people come into law for many different reasons. I don't want to believe that Mr Sinclair truly meant he doesn't care about justice. I hope what he meant was that administering justice is in many ways for someone else to worry about whilst he worries about his clients and his staff.

    I believe totally in what saveukjustice stands for and want to have as broad a support base as possible. That said, big firms and small firms have different agendas and we won't carry everyone with us. I hope that the minister will bear in mind that the small firms may not shout as loud but we are the majority and our voice should be heard. It will be!!

    Thank you for your support, I am so pleased to have you on board and to see that you are inspired by what we are doing. Keep fighting the good fight.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Rachel. Firstly, I just noticed that I spelt your name wrong, so I will amend that ASAP!

      I was at my youth club talking to one of my leaders and he asked me to do a post for you guys- he runs @notopct, trevor- and I did it. He asked for one more, which I did. I didn't think I would do any more, but I got into it and now I'm fully involved, and I love it!

      I don't suppose he meant it either, really- but I truly don't think anyone should ever out stuff like that on social media.

      I'm inspired a lot by you and all the others, and I can thank you guys for supporting me, and I've now found the career I want to be - and think I will belong- in.

      Thanks again!

  6. Enjoyed reading your latest post, Charli.

    Coffee: - Most of the Barristers I work with couldn't do their jobs without the support of the Baristas in the nearby coffee shops!

    Take care,


    PS Hope you had a great time in Cornwall.

    1. Thank you! Haha, I guess so, but a barrister's job is still more awesome.

      I had a really good time in Cornwall, I still need to upload my pics to my computer but then I will show them!

      Thanks again,

  7. I don't want to believe that Mr Sinclair truly meant he doesn't care about justice. I hope what he meant was that administering justice is in many ways for someone else to worry about whilst he worries about his clients and his staff.

    that is 100% what he meant. he's a good guy really hes a good guy

    1. I don't suppose he fully meant it, but I personally saw something in there.

      Perhaps that was what he meant. But for now, the damage is done and he's talked to people about it.

      Thank you for you comment


I write these posts for Save UK Justice or just in interest. They are my opinions. Please do not try to argue with me. If you would like to contact me, please email charli-toanotherworld@outlook.com

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