
What Has Grayling Done For The Good? (SAVEUKJUSTICE)

I know you'll all look at that title and think, ha, nothing! But... That's not quite true... 

Firstly, a few opinions from a few people around the Save UK Justice sphere... 

I'm trying to be objective but struggling. I can't think of anything. The difficulty is because of his reputation as a government 'attack dog' he is put into jobs to push through unpopular policies. So finding something that might be good is difficult. It's not helped by the fact he is arrogant and behaves like a petulant child when somebody presents logical argument against his actions.
- Colin Mardell 

For me, Grayling is a pure ideologue posing as a technocrat. A la NHS, idea is to break, as unlikely will ever be rebuilt in public hands
- Paul Anders

  He's helped keep unemployment down by giving his wife a job and making us pay her.
- Phil Colbourne

How about out-sourcing public services like legal aid lawyers interpreters prisoner transport etc, they don't do it well. costs of getting it wrong fall on tax payer so not cheaper. it feels like corruption.
- Colin Mardell


 Ok... There you go, a few people's ideas. Now, see, I don't quite agree with these. [just to say, these are my own opinions, they are not be used unless asked and I am not to be hated or asked to change these opinions. Not that I would be asked...]

 1. Joining solicitors, barristers, the public... 

This is a pretty obvious one in itself and was suggested by Pam Loftus. It speaks for itself, look at what this campaign has done. Technically, if Grayling hadn't even started this whole thing, the campaign wouldn't have happened (obviously). Look at all those new friends you've made through this, the pride, the belonging...

2. They're actually changing some things for the better now, too. They've realised faults within the justice system, and many other things.

3. It's educated thousands of people about what ACTUALLY happens around the world... LIKE ME! 

4. The slightly conceited one I had to include... I've set down my dream of politics, which I since realised was never really going to be right for me, even though I have debating skills, and decided I want to be a family law solicitor. I've seeked advice within this community and know what paths I should take, and ultimately, why. I thank each and every one of you for that; you've all helped so much and I love being a part of it. 

5. We've outed so many things people were too scared to tell people about within not just the justice system,  but in politics, businesses, emergency services... (refer to 2). 

A bit of food for thought. None of that would have happened if Grayling hadn't actually started the whole thing. Maybe not directly, but... Yeah. 

OK, a few bits of housekeeping while I'm here: School has obviously re-started and I am struggling slightly with everything, but I've got a few ideas and will be posted hopefully at least once a week. 

Second: If any of you, lawyers, non-lawyers, anyone within the community would like to write me a short guest post (talking about the campaign, thoughts, anything) or even do a mini-interview (I email questions, send back, etc) please don't hesitate to contact me! 

Lastly... Thanks for all my lovely birthday wishes on the 4th! I am now 13! 


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I write these posts for Save UK Justice or just in interest. They are my opinions. Please do not try to argue with me. If you would like to contact me, please email charli-toanotherworld@outlook.com

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